понедельник, 10 июня 2013 г.

Finishing an Old Attached Barn in New Hampshire

Finishing an Old Attached Barn in New Hampshire
house with barn attached during remodel

When Joan and her husband Dan moved from “the beehive that is Dallas” to a town in New Hampshire that’s “so small it doesn’t even have a traffic light,” they bought a great old house that came with an interesting addition: a barn attached to the side. The challenge they faced was how to turn this big, empty, unfinished space into a room they could use.

The Barn Room Before-during framing

The room is 23′ x 27′ and the ceiling is 12 1/2′ tall, so there was a lot of space to work with. Here’s how it looks now:

Barn Room After-For the Love of a House blog

I actually gasped when I saw it. Beautiful!

Barn Room After 2

I love that they were able to use this old barn door in the room:

original barn door in family room

The walls are covered in random-width pine boards that were painted Benjamin Moore’s “Sea Haze” (2137-50). Joan says, “It is a blue/green/grey which changes throughout the day and also varies depending on the season.”

iron gates in barn room

Joan's new barn room

The ceilings are white-washed pine boards.

Barn Room After 3

In this photo that was taken during the remodel, you can see the opening that leads into the house with the kitchen straight ahead:

looking up through the door to the kitchen

Here’s that same fireplace wall now that the kitchen is finished:

kitchen brick fireplace

Joan’s kitchen is kind of famous in the blogosphere. It has lots of fans–and I’m one of them! You may recall I featured it as one of my 5 favorite white kitchens last year.

There’s a charmingly rustic half-bath off the new barn room, too:

barn half bath 2

You can see more of it here.

barn half bath sink

Back in the Barn Room, the new French doors measure almost 10 feet to the top of the header, and the top of the mantel is 6 1/2 feet. Despite the grander scale of the space, it still manages to feel warm and welcoming.

For the Love of a House Barn Room after

Joan's barn room with botanical prints

Thanks to Joan for letting me share her Barn Room makeover with you. Be sure to visit her blog For the Love of a House for all the photos and information!

P.S. Visit Barn Conversions to see more, including…

A Barn Turned Guest House in Gladwynne PA 425

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