среда, 26 ноября 2014 г.

Living Room Redecorating

Living Room Redecorating

I loved my living room but I realized all the hazards in there for a baby learning how to walk...tree stumps, glass...not a good combination of things :) So, out went the old and in came the new! I love how my living room turned out and how inviting it is now!


  • living room redecorating, home decor, living room ideas, Living room before

  • living room redecorating, home decor, living room ideas, Living room after
    Living room after

  • living room redecorating, home decor, living room ideas

  • living room redecorating, home decor, living room ideas

To see more: http://www.thriftyandchic.com/2013/08/redecorating-my-living-room-reveal.html

Suggested Project Book

s 10 decorative way to transform your frames

  • Both rooms are beautiful, Alicia! Great job babyproofing! Much safer and still preserved the style of the space! Bravo! :)

  • Where is your sectional from??

  • So inviting and comfy yet very chic! Where is the rug from?

  • What color paint is on the walls? I love it!

  • Fantastic way to upcycle x

Original article and pictures take cdn.hometalk.com site

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